If you want to delete all your favorites on TikTok at once, you should follow these steps:

  • Go to the TikTok app to open it.
  • Then, click on “Me” at the display’s bottom right. It will take you to the profile.
  • As soon as you are under the profile tab, you should hit the “Favorites” icon beside the “Edit Profile.”
  • Then, select the collection that you are willing to delete. For example, the “Favorite” collection is the one you want to delete.
  • After entering the “Favorites” section, your task is to click on the three dots in the display’s top right corner.
  • Then, you should tap on the option “Delete Collection.”

This social media platform has the most downloads. TikTok offers various features, so you can use it easily and smoothly. “Favorites” on TikTok is one of the features in this case. 

It enables you to save the videos and images you prefer into a separate section called “Favorites.” In addition, you can access the section anytime and rewatch your favorite things. HOW TO DELETE ALL FAVORITES ON TIKTOK? you will find the section a mess. 

Best Steps To Delete All Favorites Collection On TikTok

You must not want to fill “Favorites’ ‘ with the TikTok you are unwilling to see anymore. It might annoy you when you have to delete all of these individually. It is unnecessary because you may not want to see the same content again and again. 

At some point, you will start getting fed up with the TikTok that you once saved in “Favorites.” It can happen to each person.

  • If you want to delete all your favorites on this social media platform, navigate to the app first to open it. Then, click on those three lines in the display’s top left corner.
  • After that, you should choose “Settings” from the menu. Click on “Favorites” below the “General” option.
  • You can see a list containing all your favorite videos on the next page.
  • Whether you are willing to delete any video, your job is to choose it and hit the “X” button.

How Do I Delete My All Activity On TikTok?

The process of deleting all activity depends on your device and account Settings. There are a few tips to inform you about the method of deleting all activity on TikTok, including clearing cache and data, disabling an account, or deleting an app from a device.

How To Remove All Saved And Favorite Videos On TikTok At Once


We have given some methods here to clear and remove all saved & favorite videos on TikTok at a time. However, now, no direct process exists to clear the saved video list. Therefore, we have found a few excellent methods to achieve a similar result. Manually Unsave All Of The Videos

The first step is to perform the process of removing all saved and favorite videos on TikTok manually. You might find the process lengthy, but it isn’t in reality. 

  • If you are willing to un-save or remove a video from the saved videos, click on the video on the saved videos page.
  • After that, your job is to hit the Save button again to Unsave a video from the list. You can find an icon that looks like a golden/yellow bookmark. You should know that it is the button that you hit to save the video originally.
  • After tapping on the button, the icon will turn white again.
  • Next, your task is to swipe up or down like you do to see the next saved video.
  • Finally, it is possible to un-save the next video. Continue these steps until you have no saved videos left.

Delete Your TikTok Account

Whether you have saved multiple TikTok videos to un-save them all manually, try to delete the TikTok account and make another.

However, while deleting the account, you might lose all the followers and all the people you follow. But if you are willing to clear the saved and favorite video list quickly, these are the steps you should follow. 

  • If you want to delete the TikTok account, you should try to open up the TikTok app.
  • After that, your task is to navigate to the TikTok profile by hitting the Profile button in the bottom navigation bar.
  • You can see the button on the far right where the icon appears as a singular person.
  • Next, click on the three horizontal lines located vertically in the top right of this platform.
  • It will open a menu containing some options.
  • Thereafter, you should click on the “Settings and Privacy” option. 
  • After entering the settings menu, find the section called “Account.”
  • You can see an option named “Manage account” in this section. Then, you should click on it. 
  • When you open the Manage account page, you can see an option for “Delete account” in the “Account control” section.
  • Then, you should click on the option. It will ask you a few questions about why you are leaving TikTok.
  • You will get an option also to download your account data.
  • Before deleting the account, the platform will ask you what will happen if you delete your account. In this case, you should go through the information carefully.
  • Finally, enter the password and click on the “Delete account” option. 

How Do I Delete Multiple TikTok At Once?

If you want to delete multiple TikTok at once, your first task is to open the application. Then, you should choose the TikTok that you are willing to delete.

How To Delete All Favorites On Tiktok

Next, you have to tap on one of the TikTok and hold them thereafter until all of these begin shaking. At last, you need to release the button and you will find them deleted. 

How Do I Delete Favorites?

If you want to delete the favorites on iOS, you must head toward the Settings app first to open it. Next, you should click on Photos & Camera. After that, click on Favorites. 

But if you are an Android user, you must navigate the Google Photos app to open it. Next, you should click on Menu, three lines in the top left corner. Then, you should tap on Favorites. Finally, click on the red cross to the right of a favorite to delete it.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I clear Bookmarks and history?

If you want to clear Bookmarks and history, you should first navigate to the Chrome menu to open it. After that, your task is to choose the “History” and the “Clear History” option. 

2. Does everyone have the playlist feature on TikTok?

You don’t get creator playlists recently from everyone on TikTok. Whether you don’t see any option to make playlists in the Video tab on your profile, ensure you don’t have creator playlists.

3. How many followers do you need to go live on TikTok?

You must have at least 1,000 followers to go live on this social media platform.

4. How do you add collections to TikTok favorites?

If you want to add collections on Tiktok Favorites, your first task is to hit the ribbon bookmark “Add to Favorites” icon on the display’s bottom. Then, you can see a banner with a green check mark that pops up and displays the option “Added to Favorites.”

Next, tap on the “Added to Favorites” banner before it disappears. After tapping on the banner, you will see a window that “Add to collection.” Finally, you should click on the collection to which you want to add the video.


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Shashank Jain

Shashank Jain, founder of good-name, a young and energetic entrepreneur has always been fond of technology. His liking for technology made him go for engineering in computers. During his studies, he learned & worked on different computer languages & OS including HBCD, Linux, etc. He also has a keen interest in ethical hacking.

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