How to Motivate Yourself and Your Partner to Start Working Out

How can you motivate yourself and your partner to start working out? If you are still not sure, then here are some simple tips.

The summer is just around the corner. Love is in the year, and you won’t be able to hide your excess weight behind baggy clothing – these are at least two motivating factors to start working out. But what to do when autumn and winter come? In winter, you gain pounds just like that for seemingly no apparent reason. Many of us are lazy and cannot force ourselves to go to a gym after work. I was the same way: after work, I wanted only one thing – to fall on the sofa in front of my TV. But still, I forced myself to go to a gym.

Some decide to buy a very nice and expensive dress that is smaller in size; others are being pulled by their girlfriends for group yoga classes, but if there are no sports fans in your environment, and you are not a public person, what should you do? Just lay down and decide to become a giant ball of fat and self-resentment?

I’ll tell you about how I managed to drag myself to the gym. I had no motivation, and I went there for the first time because I bought a subscription. I went there without any dedication, I was sluggish and lazy. But then the first signs of interest appeared – I noticed that going to the gym after a hard day at work gave me energy; my mood got better, and I was able to forget all of my troubles. And when the scales showed me that I lost some weight, I felt a real sense of excitement! And thus, I got hooked.

But the desire to lose weight is only a temporary motivation. We need something more constant – a motivation that will force us to go to the gym not just to get into our favorite dress but to become a part of our life, a source of vigor, energy, and good mood. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. Let’s now look into some tips on how to motivate yourself:

  • Find a gym closer to home so that there are no excuses, like too much snow on the streets, heavy traffic, etc.
  • Outwit yourself: buy a subscription for a year – it will take some serious dedication and laziness to ignore all of that money spent on the gym.
  • Buy yourself a beautiful tracksuit to make you want to wear it and appear in it.
  • Wear red for training. In the course of various researches, it was established that with equal forces of the two competing opponents, the one who wears a red uniform wins. Perhaps because this color symbolizes domination. Try it, and maybe this color will contribute to your success.
  • Get a spacious and lightweight bag for going to the gym and put it right at the door in the morning of the day when you have to go to the gym.
  • Make yourself a present after the first month of classes – use the old “carrot and stick” method on yourself.
  • Watch motivational videos and movies. For example, about how athletes achieve prizes in some competitions after hard training.
  • If you don’t have a partner to visit the gym with, then be sure to check out It is one of the best dating services one can find online.
  • When you are on the way to a sports club, listen to some rhythmic and blood pumping music. This will create a certain attitude that will motivate you to go to a gym and not skip it.
  • Use the same music for your workout. When your movements coincide with the pace of the music, you will not need to exert extra efforts on acceleration and deceleration; the overall effectiveness of the exercises will increase. Another upside of using music is that you are distracted by listening to it and no longer think about how tired you are; the pain in the muscles is dulled and may even disappear altogether.

If all of the motivators that we’ve listed are useless, then you lack self-discipline! Stop persuading yourself and cultivate self-discipline, and trips to the gym will not be such a problem.

Did you know that during exercise, the level of endorphin, the hormone of happiness, gets higher? But it only happens when you do your best to break your own limits when you strive towards something. But that’s not all – the body also produces serotonin which, coupled with endorphin, causes good health and gives a feeling of happiness. So, regular trips to a gym are not only necessary in order to get fit but also to stay healthy!

What should you bring to the gym (in addition to sportswear and sneakers, of course):

  • A bottle of non-carbonated water (don’t come to the gym without it);
  • An all-purpose towel;
  • You can take gloves, so as not to cause any calluses;
  • A hair tie, a hairbrush, some shower accessories.
  • A workout checklist.

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Shashank Jain

Shashank Jain, founder of good-name, a young and energetic entrepreneur has always been fond of technology. His liking for technology made him go for engineering in computers. During his studies, he learned & worked on different computer languages & OS including HBCD, Linux, etc. He also has a keen interest in ethical hacking.

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