Google has released a new app for the Android and iOS called the Google Duo. Duo is Video calling app just like Facetime and Skype. But, Duo is google’s own Video calling app and it’s free for download and install.Google Duo is developed by Google.Inc. In this Tutorial i will show you how to download Google Duo for PC and Android using very simple steps.
Features of Google Duo | Duo:
- Simple interface
Pick a loved one and jump right in, with a simple interface that brings video to the forefront.
- Knock Knock
See the caller before you pick up with Duo’s live preview feature.
- High quality video
With Google duo you can stream faster & more stable video calls over normal network or with slow WiFi connection.
- Cross-platform
With just one simple click,, you can call all of your friends across the world, weather they are using Ios or android.
Google Duo for Android:
- Go to Settings > Security > Turn on ‘Unknown Sources‘ (This step may vary depending on Android version or device but basically you will need to turn on the option that allows you to install non-market apps).
- Now to Download Duo Click on the Download Button below, Google Duo will start download
- Now open the Google Duo .APK file and install it.
- Now you successfully downloaded the Google Duo. ENJOY!
- You can directly Download The Google Duo, it is now available for Android platform which can be downloaded from its official Google Play Store.By clicking the “LINK HERE”.
- Google Duo file has been installed successfully to your Android. To start using the app, just go to your Apps menu where you can see an icon of the app. Tap on the icon to start using it right away on your device.
Google Duo for PC, | Install Duo PC on Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10
To Download Google Duo for PC you will need to have an emulator installed on your PC called the BLUESTACKS.
NOTE: you can skip this step if you have Bluestacks in your PC.
Install Bluestacks on Windows:
- Connect your PC to a high-speed internet as the Bluestacks is the around size of 300 MB.
- Now visit BLUESTACKS by clicking this link.
- Download the Bluestacks and install it.
- Now sign-in with your Google account.
- Now you successfully downloaded and installed bluestacks in you PC Windows.
- You can clearly watch the steps in the video below
Steps to Download Google Duo PC:
- After you installed the bluestacks in your PC.
- Now you have to download the Google Duo APK file. Click here to download.
- Now Once the APK file is downloaded, go to the Downloads folder or where it is located. Next right-click on the APK file, Open With and click on “Install with Bluestacks APK Installer”
- Bluestacks will automatically install the app. Once the application is installed, open the Bluestacks software.
- Inside the Bluestacks emulator, click on All Apps and here you can see the Google Duo app that we just downloaded and installed.
NOTE: If you’re facing this error message “INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_APK” while installing APK then first download this “PackageFileInvalidIssueResolver” APK from here, install it on your bluestacks emulator by using the same method given above and run it on Bluestacks, after that try installing again Google Duo file, it will get installed easily.
Congrats you now successfully downloaded and installed Google Duo app for PC and android.
So here is the tutorial to Download Google Duo for Free.
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