Android is number 1 operating system in mobile industry at the current time. Since past few year’s we have seen great rise int the android hacking apps for rooted and non-rooted mobile phones. In this article we have made a list of some Best android hacking apps in 2019 for our readers, which can be used by a tech lover, as well as It security admin or ethical hacker.
These tools listed in our Best android hacking apps are based on our personal experience and industry reviews. Here we have provided a list of android hacking applications that can be used by Ethical hackers and Security Researchers.
Note: Please use the information only in legal way, We are providing this information only for the Educational purpose.
15 Best android hacking Apps For Android Phones in 2019
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1. Kali Linux NetHunter
Kali linux Nethunter is first opensource pentration testing platform for any android device. Kali Linux Nethunter supports Wireless 802.11 frame injection, 1 click MANA Evil Access point setups, HID keyboards and much more.
You can download this awesome tool here.
2. Shark for Root
Shark for root is used by Security experts and Ethical Hackers. You can use this tool as a traffic snipper. Shark for Root works with the help of WiFi or 3G.
You can download this tool here.
3. AndroRAT
AndroRat stands for Android RAT which is a Remote Administrative tool. This tool is used to get the remote access of any target android device, and fetch it’s information. This app have ability to tigger server connection by call or SMS.
Download Android Rat from here
4. DroidBox
DroidBox is used to get a large variety range of results about hashes for APK packages, network traffic, phone calls as well as SMSes.
You can download this apk from here.
5. Hackode
Hackode is another Best android hacking app in our list. This app contains multiple ethical hacking tools like Reconnaissance, security feed and scanning.
With Hackode you can do things like google hacking, Whois, dns lookup, exploits and much more. This app even don’t ask you for any pvt info.
Download Hackode from here.
6. cSploit
cSploit is a most advanced security toolkig for android smartphones. csploit enumerates local hosts, it can crack any wifi password, it can instal backdoors and do some exploits as well.
You can download csploit from here.
7. FaceNiff
FaceNiff is used to intercept and sniff any Wifi network’s traffic. You can use this tool to snoop someon’s fb, twitter and other social accounts from your android smartphone. This is one of my favorite and Best android hacking app, which helps me to steal cookies from someone via wifi network.
You can download FaceNiff here.
8. Droidsheep
DroidSheep is developed for for security analysts of WiFi networks. This app can hijack a web session over the network, with almost each and every website.
Download Droidsheep here.
9. APKInspector
This tool allows you to do the reverse engineering attacks and tricks. you can get the analysis and graphic features of a user via this app to get some very deep insights. This powerful android hacking app can provide you the source code of any android apk.
Download Apkinspcter here.
10. zANTI
This is just another Best android hacking tool. This app comes with wide range of tools that are used for Ethical hacking and pen testing purposes. This tool allows a researcher to scan the network easily. This tool allows a user to do some advance hacking exploits and detect multiple hacking techniques.
Download Zanti from here.
That’s it, thanks for reading my article about Best android hacking apps in 2019. if you have any question or query, feel free to ask me in the comment section below.